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Many people are familiar with the events surrounding the first Passover. While we might understand the historical significance of the Passover Event, we often miss the prophetic meaning and how it applies to our lives today. 


While the blood of the lamb that was placed on the doorpost of the Israelite homes in Egypt sparred them, the blood that Jesus shed is also our covering and protection.


The Exodus event for the Israelites pointed to a God that was not distant, but in fact, heard their cries and acted on their behalf. The same is true for us today. 


We have a God who provided atonement through His Son Jesus, who sacrificed himself to provide atonement for our sins. This sacrifice brings about deliverance from our spiritual bondage, so that we may experience the freedom that is only found in Jesus.


Experience the blessings and freedoms that come from keeping the Passover Feast!


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